03 March 2025
Use AFD to Perform an Address Lookup
You can perform an address lookup in ebs with the functionality provided by AFD software:

Address lookup software is available in the following modules:
To use address lookup in ebs: central:
Open the relevant module to add or edit a new address for a learner, organisation or member of staff.
Click the Add Address button to add a new address to a learner.
Select an address type from the Address Type drop-down list.
Enter the first few characters of an address in the Search field.
You can use punctuation to distinguish address fields (for example: ‘St Mary's Court, Sheffield’ will match an address, but ‘St Mary's Court Sheffield’ will not).
Click the Search button to perform a search.
Address lookup software is not case sensitive (that is: either ‘St Mary's Court, Sheffield’ or ‘st mary's court, sheffield’ will successfully match).
Select the relevant address from the drop-down list adjacent to the Search field.
The relevant address fields are automatically populated.
Certain circumstances might result in an error message:
When the address search software is unable to locate a match for the entered address, an error message is displayed. Click the OK button to close the message, then either revise your address search or enter address information manually to complete the remaining fields.
If you have entered too few characters, an error message will appear. Click the OK button to close this message. Refine the address information and then search again.
- Click Save.

Address lookup functionality is available on the My Details panel in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub.
To use address lookup:
Navigate to the Address Search section of the My Details page.
If visible, select the relevant option from the Country drop-down list.
The visibility of the Country field is controlled by the AFD Show Country Option in Institution Settings
Enter the first few characters of an address in the Address Search field.
You can use punctuation to distinguish address fields (for example: ‘St Mary's Court, Sheffield’ will match an address, but ‘St Mary's Court Sheffield’ will not). Address lookup software is not case sensitive (for example: either ‘St Mary's Court, Sheffield’ or ‘st mary's court, sheffield’ will successfully match).
Click the Find button to perform a search.
Visibility of the Find button is controlled by AFD Dynamic Search Options (Ontrack) in Institution Settings.
Select the relevant address from the Address Search Results drop-down list.
The relevant correspondence address fields are automatically populated.
If the address search software is unable to locate a match for the entered address, a warning message is displayed. Click the Close button, and then either revise your address search or enter address information manually to complete the remaining fields.
Click Save.

Address lookup functionality is available on the My Details panel in ebs: ontrack Learner Hub.
Visibility of the Find button is controlled by the AFD Dynamic Search Options (Ontrack) setting in AFD Institution Settings. When you choose to use dynamic search functionality the AFD Show Country Option setting must be set to 'N'. UK users must have valid data in the AFD UK Dynamic Search UserId (Ontrack) and AFD UK Dynamic Search Token (Ontrack) fields.
To use address lookup:
Navigate to the Address Search section of the My Details page.
Enter the first few characters of an address in the Type part of an address or postcode to begin field.
Address lookup software is not case sensitive (for example: either ‘St Mary's Court, Sheffield’ or ‘st mary's court, sheffield’ will successfully match).
Select the relevant address from the drop-down list.
The relevant correspondence address fields are automatically populated.
If the address search software is unable to locate a match for the entered address, a warning message is displayed. Revise your address search or enter address information manually to complete the remaining fields.
Click Save.
Refer to Import, Export or Verify AFD Address Data , Validate Email Address and Telephone Number Information and Censation Information and Geodemographic Data for further AFD functionality.